Caser seguros




Punto de venta terceros
Final Customer
Digital Commerce Capabilities

Page Views


Organic Trafficking in Home and Health


From New Sessions


For Caser Seguros we have developed the brand communication strategy for your social networks and your website . Also the implementation of this strategy through the creation of web content. The objective of this project is to put the User at the center of communication , so that insurance products are understandable to the target audiences.

This involves a lot of work that involves: Identify concerns that insurance users ask before taking out their insurance, with the aim of resolving these questions through useful content on the web; filter the information of each Caser business unit to detect the most appropriate sales arguments; translate technical terms typical of insurance jargon; identify the most appropriate content formats to make the information attractive and educational and, finally, write the copies . All with rigorous quality control coordinated with the technical teams of each area of ​​Caser.

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This content reorientation exercise has been coordinated with the team of experts SEO by Elogia and of Caser itself so that the contents are optimized on the website and achieve attract the largest number of potential customers. For Caser Seguros, in addition to content marketing, we have worked on its organic positioning in Health and Home products. In addition, we have carried out Migrating your old site to a new one , with an improved navigation structure and a more modern design. The main objectives were oriented towards the improving organic traffic and to minimize the potential impact of a migration on search results visibility.


In the first part of the project, related to home and health insurance products, a question was raised keyword strategy and a series of optimizations to capture the largest amount of traffic possible. In addition, to improve visibility, actions were devised to Content Linking on certain keywords that helped to climb positions in the engine rankings search.

At the same time, planning began for the site migration main, auditing all the content generated in recent years and preparing all the necessary documentation so that the impact was minimal. content inventories , recommendations were made on the new structure and the were generated sitemap, robots.txt and redirection files necessary for everything to work out correctly. In the overall project planning, each of the steps was specified and a monitoring and constant control of the process together with the Caser team, with special attention to the key moment of the site change.






From New Sessions

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